Ulysses Illustrated, Photographs c. 1904
Continuation 2
Links to photographs of Dublin as seen by the characters of Ulysses. The links are to pages on other websites, primarily that of the National Library of Ireland. While the photos are in the public domain, the digitized images are property of the respective repository.
Unlike on other pages of this website, when you click on a link the image will appear in a pop-up window. The popup feature will not work in Microsoft Edge and that browser will switch to the picture's page. Use the back button to return to Major Tweedy's Neighborhood.
Note that in the locator maps, routes travelled by characters in Ulysses are drawn in brown.
Part III: Episodes 16 - 18, Dublin
Northside of Dublin.

Bacon's Plan of Dublin, 1905 - New York Public Library
Telemachus, Episode 16
In the vicinity of the Custom House and the Loopline Railway Bridge, Liffey North Bank.
From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland. View seen by Bloom and Stephen as they walked to the cabman's shelter. The River Liffey is behind the building. The Custom House opened in 1791 but by Bloomsday was occupied mostly by the Local Government Board for Ireland. That organization, a state bureaucracy, supervised the Poor Law Unions and municipal governments in Ireland.

From Taxi-Library.org, "a non-commercial educational website serving the taxicab industry worldwide." The photograph is of a 1917 protest meeting and is labelled incorrectly. The bridge shown is the railway bridge; Butt Bridge is a pedestrian crossing out of frame to the right.
For "Cabmen's Shelters - A Brief History" see that webpage on the blog Historical Sherlock, which "examines the chronology of the Sherlock Holmes canon." The page will open in a new window.

Ithaca, Episode 17
Northside Dublin.
Uploaded to Pinterest by Marion Curran. Unattributed and source unknown. May have been digitized by UCD.

From the Stereo Pairs Collection, National Library of Ireland. Bloom and Stephen walked past St. George's Church on Temple Street just before arriving in Eccles Street. The block of rowhouses that includes 7 Eccles Street is on the far left.

Penelope, Episode 18
The Bloom home, Number 7 Eccles Street. Former residence of Joyce's friend, John Francis Byrne. Likely vacant on June 16, 1904 (Thom's Directory, 1904). Demolished 1967 by the then owner, Mater Misericordiae Hospital. Now the site of the Private Mater Hospital, one of Ireland's three, high-technology, specialty hospitals.
7 Eccles Street Environs

Ordnance Survey of Ireland, 3rd Edition, 25-Inch Map.
7 Eccles Street
Photographer unknown. Posted on flickr by Paul B. Duffy. Taken in the 1950s. Edited for Major Tweedy's Neighborhood (cropped and vehicles removed).

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