Places Noted in Ulysses
Ulysses is almost a gazetteer for Ireland and Dublin as it includes references to numerous places throughout the city and the island. From this page you can download historic maps that are marked with placenames from the novel. The maps are in pdf's stored on this website. When you click on a link the map file will open in a new browser window.
The Dublin Metropolis
The map below shows towns, neighborhoods, and other named places in the Dublin area that are mentioned in Ulysses.
Dublin and Environs, 1898 (OS_CoDublin_1898.pdf)
One-inch Ordnance Survey map digitized by the British Library. This high resolution map image is in a 5.0 mb pdf file. Names of towns and cities mentioned in Ulysses are outlined by dark green rectangles. The sea is shaded blue and the City of Dublin yellow. The file will open in a new browser window.
Provincial Ireland
The map below shows counties, towns, neighborhoods, and other named places in Ireland that are mentioned in Ulysses.
Richard's Map of Ireland, 1901 (Richards_Ireland_1901_2.pdf)
From The Memorial Atlas of Ireland. Digitized by the Cincinnati Public Library. This high resolution map image is in a 10.9 mb pdf file. As the file is large, it will take a up to a full minute to load.
Names of towns and cities mentioned in Ulysses are outlined by dark green rectangles. If a Ulysses place is not shown on the printed map, then it's name was added in green. The western Galway area of Connemara is shaded in green. The file will open in a new browser window.