Ulysses Illustrated, Photographs c. 1904
Links to photographs of Dublin as seen by the characters of Ulysses. The links are to pages on other websites, primarily that of the National Library of Ireland. While the photos are in the public domain, the digitized images are property of the respective repository.
Unlike on other pages of this website, when you click on a link the image will appear in a pop-up window. The popup feature will not work in Microsoft Edge and that browser will switch to the picture's page. Use the back button to return to Major Tweedy's Neighborhood.
Note that in the locator maps, routes travelled by characters in Ulysses are drawn in brown.
Part I: Episodes 1 - 3, the Southern Suburbs
Sandycove, Co. Dublin, Town of Dalkey, Co. Dublin, and Sandymount Strand, Pembroke Township.

Ordnance Survey of Ireland, 6 Inch Map - British Library
Telemachus, Episode 1
At the Sandycove Martello Tower.
From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland.

From the Eason Collection, National Library of Ireland.

From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland.

Nestor, Episode 2
Deasy's school in Dalkey. For a brief period, Joyce taught part-time at the Clifton School, Summerfield Lodge, Dalkey Avenue.
From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland.

From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland. The Sandycove Martello Tower is visible just above the center of the image.

From The Joyce Project, James Joyce's Ulysses Online.

From the RTE archives.

Proteus, Episode 3
Sandymount and Sandymount Strand (beach).
From the Lawrence Collection, National Library of Ireland.

From Pigeon House Precinct Conservation Plan and Re-use Study, Shaffrey Associates Architects, 2011. Image file on Major Tweedy's Neighborhood.
The power plant, built on the site of a former British army fort, began operation in 1903 and was expanded 1911-13, 1933-40, and 1945. It went on standby status after the adjacent Poolbeg Generating Station came online in 1971. The Pigeon House generator was decommissioned in 1976; Poolbeg in 2010. The Poolbeg Chimneys are an iconic feature of the Dublin landscape and were designated protected structures by the city in 2014. (Link is to an Irish Times article, July 15, 2014, that will appear in a new browser window.)

Ordnance Survey of Ireland, 25 Inch Map
City of Dublin and the neighborhoods of Irishtown and Sandymount in Pembroke Township.
Northside of Dublin.